
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Quantum Annealing and its Applications in Science and Industry☯

The international workshop „Quantum Annealing
and its Applications in Science and Industry
(QuAASI’16)” took place from 26 to 28 July 2016
in the Rotunda of the Jülich Supercomputing
Centre. The goal of the two-day workshop, followed
by a D-Wave Exploration Day, was to bring
together researchers from different communities
to discuss both the challenges in using
quantum annealing to approach the solution of
real-world problems and the requirements on
optimization and design of existing and future
quantum annealing hardware.

About 60 researchers from Germany, Switzerland,
the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the
United States and Canada participated in the
workshop. The history of quantum annealing 
and the design of D-Wave’s quantum processors,
the implementation of various optimization
problems and machine learning on D-Wave
machines, the study of the behavior and performance
of D-Wave quantum computers, the various
approaches designed to extend the applicability
of these devices to larger, more connected
optimization problems, and related topics were
highlighted in the talks. The D-Wave Exploration
Day provided detailed insights into the hardware
architecture. Programming techniques and tools
available were demonstrated by remotely running
examples on one of the D-Wave 2XTM quantum
computers with more than 1000 qubits
located at the headquarters of D-Wave Systems
in Burnaby, Canada.